
It takes incredible resilience, and outstanding endurance to jump through a lot of hoops, before finally being admitted to a medical school. Thus get-into-medicalschool.com was created to provide pre-medical students with high quality information. It is our goal to offer the best guides, podcasts, blog posts, strategies, rants, tips, and really anything that can help you reach your goal.

You can read about my journey to medical school and my deep, personal frustration with the lack of quality guidance that many of the current colleges, pre-medical committees, and academic advisors have to offer.

While I achieved this goal myself, I hope that my materials will be of help to you. The materials advertised are tried and tested recommendations of my classmates and my own insights, experiences, and fundamental research. There are many other sources out there; unfortunately, 99% are just there to make a profit even though they are of poor quality. We encourage you to, “test everything, and hold on to the good.” I am a huge fan of open-source and free information, which is why this website is 100% free.

The bottom line of all this is: I hope this will give you an edge.


Feel free to contact me at for inquires, comments, and feedback.


Get Into Medical School © 2014. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher is prohibited. This includes text, audio, video, images, and all other content on this website.


5 thoughts on “About

  1. hyder

    You have done a great service for aspiring physicians. By the way is there still a chance to go for it after you are 44 yrs old but have good background in physics, match, general chemistry. (lets say engineering background).

    1. Naomi Post author

      Hey Hyder,
      A strong science background would make life in medical school easier for you, but you need to have done your pre-requisite courses (Bio, Gen.Chem, O.Chem, Physics) as well. You would have to contact your schools of interest to see how long they’ll accept college credits as valid. There might be a limit (e.g. any class taken over 7 years ago is not valid). Keep in mind that it will take 4 years to get your degree, and another 2-8 for your residency depending on what you specialize in. If being a physician is really what you dream to be, after being around and having a lot of life experience, then by all means, go for it. I would speak with admissions board members to ask specific questions, since I’m not too familiar with this. However, there some older students in my class, so it’s definitely possible!

  2. Joe

    Hey Naomi!

    Thank you for making such an awesome website! It is a great resource and motivator for all premeds everywhere! Anyways I have a quick question: do you think the difficulty of the MCAT varies with the date it is taken? I am planning to take the MCAT on September and some people have told me that September MCATs are harder than what it normally is. Do you know if this is true? Thanks!

    1. Naomi Post author

      Hey Joe,
      No the date shouldn’t have any effect on the difficulty of the MCAT. However, make sure you apply as early as possible for medical school as this does increase your chances significantly. It gets harder towards the end and can be interpreted as you not being on top of things. Good luck!

      1. Joe

        Hey Naomi,

        Thank you again for the advice! I ended up with a good mcat score 😀 This website definitely helped my self studying


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